Reporting and communication

We report annually on our sustainability performance and challenges.

Ongoing engagement and consultation with a wide network of stakeholders helps us identify risks and opportunities and prioritise issues that are most important to our stakeholders and our business. Read more about our stakeholders.

We welcome reader feedback on our progress and targets to

Sustainability reporting 2024

View our 2024 Annual Report and read about our reporting approach and materiality.

In 2024, Air New Zealand published its first Climate Statement as required by the Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standards (NZ CS). The 2024 Climate Statement is structured around the four mandatory sections of the NZ CS, which are based on the recommendations of the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework that Air New Zealand has voluntarily reported against since the 2020 financial year.

View our Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report for 2024.

View our 2024 Metrics Table.

View our 2024 Gender Pay Report and information on our 2024 Workforce Profile.

The contents of the 2024 Annual Report and the 2024 Climate Statement have been informed, in part, by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) sustainability reporting standards and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Standards for the Airline Industry (SASB). View our GRI and SASB content indexes, that provide an overview of the relevant GRI and SASB standards for the airline and where to find related information.

Previous sustainability reporting

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